Molins de Rei Town Market Refurbishment

The rehabilitation of this listed building emphasized the energy efficiency through photovoltaic electricity generation in its new roof.

Location: Molins de Rei | Barcelona | Catalonia
Built area: 11.330 m2
Developer: Molins de Rei Town Council

Development: 1998-2007
Budget: 8.220.000 € (market); 2.080.000 € (interim market); 960.000 € (urbanization)
Intervention: Previous research, Basic Project, Implementation Project and site management. Project Management Team for Exclusive Building Works and Tenant Fit-out Coordination. Basic & Implementation Projects and site management of the interim market. Preliminary plans, Implementation Project and site management of the surroundings urbanization  

The Molins de Rei Town Market, declared a Local Cultural Interest in the Catalogue of the architectural heritage of the city, is located in the middle of the city centre. Its renovation finished in 2007 and its main goal was to keep the traditional fresh produce market while its position as an historic commercial centre was revitalized.

Accessibility improvements, both for vehicles (with the incorporation of a double-use underground parking for the market and for public uses) and pedestrian (improving internal communications and entrances), were essential in its development.

Apart from improving the external appearance of the building and reorganizing the internal structure (incorporation of a new basement floor and construction of a new roof), environmental measures were also applied, as the incorporation of natural ventilation systems and solar panels for the production of electric power as to minimize energy consumption.

The project was complemented by the design and implementation of the interim market and urbanization of the contiguous market square. In addition, PB2 was also responsible for tenant fit-out coordination at the refurbished market.

The building has been awarded by the Innovation, Universities and Enterprise Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia) with the 2008 Award for Commercial Enterprise and Centennials Facilities, and with the Best Municipal Performance Prize 2008 for urban and local commerce of the Barcelona Provincial Council.


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